Friday, November 1, 2013

Monsanto Vegetable Seeds

With growing populations, increasing incomes and new health recommendations, the demand for a wider variety of high-quality vegetables will continue to increase, causing an immediate need to harvest more quality, nutritious food from each unit of land, water and energy. We are working with farmers to meet these challenges by developing vegetables seeds that enable growers to produce tastier, more nutritious vegetables that help them conserve natural resources.
Our Vegetable Seeds Division is focused on innovation to improve both the quality and productivity of vegetables grown from our seeds. We invest in research and development and use the latest technology not only to deliver the best products to the consumer, but also to provide yield potential and value to the customer, the grower, and to their customers, the chain partners. Ultimately, we hope that by developing products with excellent flavor and real nutritional benefits, people will enjoy eating more vegetables.
Our Vegetable Seeds Division is represented through two seed brands: Seminis® (open-field and unheated protected culture) and De RuiterTM (heated, protected-culture and rootstock).

Help stop Main Organizers And Protesters of Monsanto
The Hidden agenda about  Hongkongwillie. Its been discovered Hongkongwillie and his supporters have funded secretly many projects the are propaganda. Its the ultra liberal Hollywood crowd,the sinful x rockers of his communistic hippie era . Take a look,Monsanto has done great projects. Most if not all of the info against Monsanto is unfounded. Why would Hongkongwillie an a group unhanded secretly fund ,thousands of unreported moneys. Look at the prices of his crap art. Six figures. Junk art could fit this so well. The dump he live on as a poor slum kid is where he should stay. This Food Prize Will Stop Hongkongwillie

Help stop Main Organizers And Protesters Groups Like Hongkongwillie with his silent movement and underground support. It is from popular groups from Hollywood who support his art. The funds then are funneled to these groups. Propaganda such as this link have a negative impact on Major Growers,Major Horse Operation,and Cattle Operations. Help Stop Hongkongwillie
Read this link what crap he prints.


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