Friday, November 8, 2013

Love that Fish you are eating, It is full of Manure. Monsanto is not so Bad after All

Monsanto is not so Bad after All, The Hidden agenda agaisnt Monsanto

It is enough to make you throw up. Some foreign workers have to wear masks as they work in these places, because the food is so rotten and filthy, it makes them want to throw up. Many of their Fish on Fish Farms are fed Raw sewage daily. He said he has seen so much filth throughout their food growing and processing that he would "never" eat any of it. They raise this filth, put some food coloring and some flavorings on it, then they ship it to the USA for YOU to consume and feed to YOUR families. They have no Food & Safety Inspectors. They ship it to you to buy and poison your families and friends.

Asian Seafood Raised on Pig Feces Approved for U.S. Consumers

At Ngoc Sinh Seafoods Trading & Processing Export Enterprise, a seafood exporter on Vietnam’s southern coast, workers stand on a dirty floor sorting shrimp one hot September day. There’s trash on the floor, and flies crawl over baskets of processed shrimp stacked in an unchilled room in Ca Mau.
Elsewhere in Ca Mau, Nguyen Van Hoang packs shrimp headed for the U.S. in dirty plastic tubs. He covers them in ice made with tap water that the Vietnamese Health Ministry says should be boiled before drinking because of the risk of contamination with bacteria. Vietnam ships 100 million pounds of shrimp a year to the U.S. That’s almost 8 percent of the shrimp Americans eat.
Shrimp farmers in Ca Mau province in Vietnam, use ice made from tap water that the government says isn't safe to drink without boiling it, Sept 10, 2012. Photographer: Viet Dung Tran/ Bloomberg Markets via Bloomberg.
Oct. 11 (Bloomberg) -- Almost 3,000 people in the U.S. died in 2011 from food-borne illness, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The U.S. food industry has put in place standards to ensure deadly pathogens don't make it into the market. But what is the Food and Drug Administration doing to regulate food producers, domestic and overseas? This article is featured in the November issue of Bloomberg Markets magazine. (Source: Bloomberg)
Oct. 11 (Bloomberg) -- James Marsden, a professor of food safety and security at Kansas State University, talks about the 2010 passing of the Food Modernization Act and the impact on food safety requirements and domestic and imported products. Marsden spoke with Bloomberg's John Lippert on Aug. 2 in Coal Valley, Illinois. (Source: Bloomberg)
Using ice made from tap water in Vietnam is dangerous because it can spread bacteria to the shrimp, microbiologist Mansour Samadpour says, Bloomberg Markets magazine reports in its November issue.
Millions of Americans get sick from eating food that inspectors say is safe. A special report in the November 2012 issue of Bloomberg Markets explores the dangers.
“Those conditions -- ice made from dirty water, animals near the farms, pigs -- are unacceptable,” says Samadpour, whose company, IEH Laboratories & Consulting Group, specializes in testing water for shellfish farming.
Ngoc Sinh has been certified as safe by Geneva-based food auditor SGS SA, says Nguyen Trung Thanh, the company’s general director.

No Record

“We are trying to meet international standards,” Thanh says.
SGS spokeswoman Jennifer Buckley says her company has no record of auditing Ngoc Sinh.
At Chen Qiang’s tilapia farm in Yangjiang city in China’s Guangdong province, which borders Hong Kong, Chen feeds fish partly with feces from hundreds of pigs and geese. That practice is dangerous for American consumers, says Michael Doyle, director of the University of Georgia’s Center for Food Safety.
“The manure the Chinese use to feed fish is frequently contaminated with microbes like salmonella,” says Doyle, who has studied foodborne diseases in China.
On a sweltering, overcast day in August, the smell of excrement is overpowering. After seeing dead fish on the surface, Chen, 45, wades barefoot into his murky pond to open a pipe that adds fresh water from a nearby canal. Exporters buy his fish to sell to U.S. companies.
Yang Shuiquan, chairman of a government-sponsored tilapia aquaculture association in Lianjiang, 200 kilometers from Yangjiang, says he discourages using feces as food because it contaminates water and makes fish more susceptible to diseases. He says a growing number of Guangdong farmers adopt that practice anyway because of fierce competition.
“Many farmers have switched to feces and have stopped using commercial feed,” he says.

Frequently Contaminated

About 27 percent of the seafood Americans eat comes from China -- and the shipments that the FDA checks are frequently contaminated, the FDA has found. The agency inspects only about 2.7 percent of imported food. Of that, FDA inspectors have rejected 1,380 loads of seafood from Vietnam since 2007 for filth and salmonella, including 81 from Ngoc Sinh, agency records show. The FDA has rejected 820 Chinese seafood shipments since 2007, including 187 that contained tilapia.
To contact the reporters for this story: Nguyen Dieu Tu Uyen in Hanoi at
William Bi in Beijing at
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Jonathan Neumann at

The farmed seafood you're eating may have been raised on animal feces

(NaturalNews) More than 85 percent of the seafood consumed by Americans is imported, with much of it coming from China, Vietnam, and various other Asian countries that have a not-so-consistent track record of food safety. And as it turns out, conditions at many of the foreign facilities where imported seafood is processed before getting shipped to the states are so filthy and contaminated that if consumers knew just how bad things really were, they would likely think twice before buying that pack of scallops or shrimp from the grocery store.

As reported by Bloomberg, workers at Ngoc Sinh Seafoods Trading & Processing Export Enterprise in Vietnam were recently seen hauling plastic baskets of shrimp through the company's filthy, trash-ridden, and bug-infested facility. Containers full of the shrimp were loaded up with ice made from questionable, and often contaminated, tap water that the government recommends boiling before use, which has become the norm rather than the exception when it comes to seafood processing.

Many Chinese seafood farmers feed their fish animal waste

Similar unsanitary conditions are common throughout China as well, which is a major exporter of tilapia and scallops. According to Bloomberg, many seafood farmers in China actually feed their fish feces from pigs, geese, and other cattle, even though the practice is extremely unsafe. Not only does this exposure to animal waste tend to make the fish sick, but it also contaminates their water environments with excrement, which is often polluted with harmful bacteria like salmonella.

"Those conditions -- ice made from dirty water, animals near the farms, pigs -- are unacceptable," said Mansour Samadpour, a microbiologist, to Bloomberg Markets magazine about the dirty secrets of the seafood trade. Samadpour's company, IEH Laboratories & Consulting Group, specializes in testing the cleanliness of water for the shellfish farming industry.

Since the seafood industry is relatively cutthroat these days, certain unscrupulous seafood farmers, particularly in Asian countries, are cutting corners to boost profits, which puts consumers at high risk. In the case of Chinese fish farming, many operators have altogether stopped purchasing safer commercial feed, and have instead turned to exclusively feeding their fish potentially deadly animal waste.

"The manure the Chinese use to feed fish is frequently contaminated with microbes and salmonella," says Michael Doyle, Director of the University of Georgia's Center for Food Safety, about the larger problem of China's seafood farming industry.

FDA dropping the ball in protecting Americans against contaminated seafood

And while the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is supposed to be in charge of regulating the safety of imported seafood, the agency only inspects about 2.7 percent of all imported food, according to available data. The FDA is apparently too busy raiding raw milk dairy farms and imprisoning innocent farmers to bother with protecting the American public against potentially contaminated seafood.

Sources for this article include:

  Read this, tells the truth, Hongkongwillie and his propaganda will not work.

Read this unfounded Material.
The Hidden agenda  from Hongkongwillie. Its been discovered Hongkongwillie and his supporters have funded secretly many projects the are propaganda. Its the ultra liberal Hollywood crowd,the sinful x rockers of his communistic hippie era . Take a look,Monsanto has done great projects. Most if not all of the info against Monsanto is unfounded. Why would Hongkongwillie an a group unhanded secretly fund ,thousands of unreported moneys. Look at the prices of his crap art. Six figures. Junk art could fit this so well. The dump he live on as a poor slum kid is where he should stay. This Food Prize Will Stop Hongkongwillie

Help stop Main Organizers And Protesters Groups Like Hongkongwillie with his silent movement and underground support. It is from popular groups from Hollywood who support his art. The funds then are funneled to these groups. Propaganda such as this link have a negative impact on Major Growers,Major Horse Operation,and Cattle Operations. Help Stop Hongkongwillie
Read this link what crap he prints.

 Monsanto Celebrates World Food Prize

A Billion Good Reasons to Get to Know the Work of Dr. Norman Borlaug


 Even though America’s farmers are among the most productive and efficient in the world, hunger is still a significant problem in America. Nearly 15 percent of all rural households are regularly without food – that’s around 3 million households in the very communities where much of the world’s food supply is raised. In addition, one out of every six people goes hungry regularly in the United States.


It is enough to make you throw up. Some foreign workers have to wear masks as they work in these places, because the food is so rotten and filthy, it makes them want to throw up. Many of their Fish on Fish Farms are fed Raw sewage daily. He said he has seen so much filth throughout their food growing and processing that he would "never" eat any of it. They raise this filth, put some food coloring and some flavorings on it, then they ship it to the USA for YOU to consume and feed to YOUR families. They have no Food & Safety Inspectors. They ship it to you to buy and poison your families and friends.
It is enough to make you throw up. Some foreign workers have to wear masks as they work in these places, because the food is so rotten and filthy, it makes them want to throw up. Many of their Fish on Fish Farms are fed Raw sewage daily. He said he has seen so much filth throughout their food growing and processing that he would "never" eat any of it. They raise this filth, put some food coloring and some flavorings on it, then they ship it to the USA for YOU to consume and feed to YOUR families. They have no Food & Safety Inspectors. They ship it to you to buy and poison your families and friends.
It is enough to make you throw up. Some foreign workers have to wear masks as they work in these places, because the food is so rotten and filthy, it makes them want to throw up. Many of their Fish on Fish Farms are fed Raw sewage daily. He said he has seen so much filth throughout their food growing and processing that he would "never" eat any of it. They raise this filth, put some food coloring and some flavorings on it, then they ship it to the USA for YOU to consume and feed to YOUR families. They have no Food & Safety Inspectors. They ship it to you to buy and poison your families and friends.

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